i live in terraced housing. the rear garden has a left and right fence. the fence on the left has fallen into disrepair. whos responsibility is it to repair it ?
You will need to look at your deeds - it could be you, your neighbour or 'party' - shared responsibility.
There will be T markings on the plan. The Ts are on their sides, with the top of the T running along the boudary, and the 'tail' in the property of the boundary owner.
If there are tails in both properties then it is party.
If i remember right it is your responsibility. Normally the left side is. But check the fence and if the nice part is facing your garden then it is your neigbours fence as by law you have to have the fixings on the side of the persons whos respontibility it is. But then again not everybody lives within the law lol. Best thing to do is check the deeds