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holby city

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madboutcats | 00:54 Sun 11th May 2008 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
does anyone know the name of the song that was played at the end of holby city this week?
boy do i fancy the new scottish doc linden cullen a bit of a cold fish but very sexy.


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hi there it was called "how could this happen to me" by simple plan..
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thnx paulsmummy thought it was a lovely song.
it was the one wernt it.?.. i guessed tho... i looked on bbci player at the end of holby then heard a few lines and thought id just google a few...lmao worked tho hey
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thnx you so much for the you tube link just been listening to song.
that's cool anytime
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yes was right song, also watched end of holby city on bbci player and also got my fix of linden.

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