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~spaced~ | 11:08 Mon 12th May 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Back form my week off, and still my ID has NOT been reinstated. I would love to know what the employees of AB actually do? Are they that busy that they cannot return emails, or take their phone off the hook? Any ideas?>


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Welcome back! Your curly name looks quite cute! xx
I agree, I love the new look spaced :)
Err but to answer your question, they just don't give a **** really :)
Question Author
one week to go before it goes grey
I don't think there are any employees of AB.

It is a one man show!!!

Probably being run by a spotty teenage from his bedroom!!!

(I should know as my son is running a website of his own)
good morning ya big girls bouse! ;-) mwah, nice to have you back, not that i missed you, not for one moment! ;-)
Question Author
i missed you
Oooooo @ you two, looking rather cosy aren't you?
oh yeah B00, we are, but he looks a bit girly for me at the moment lol
maybe they're trying toi tell ya something ;-)
Question Author
thanks Mist

Id prefer them take their phones off no calls and say it to me, as apposed to the cowardly banning way.

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