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Very quite today!!!

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funnygirl | 14:32 Mon 12th May 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Is everyone busy or not??

I have just had my daily salad and my nose is twitching.

It is still lovely weather here in London, the sun is shining fiercely and I am stuck in here!!!


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I guess everyone is either busy at work or out enjoying the sun.
It's my day off & I had the sun lounger at the ready, but it's freezing up here in the bleak north.
I've had to dig out a thick jumper. Grrrr!
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Hi Mrs O, sorry to hear that!!

It's funny how the weather differs from region to region.
Don't worry it is not expected to last for us Londoners!!!!
I'm really, really lucky, I work in a building on the edge of Southampton Water and it has a garden that ends in a beach - I've just been down there to eat my sandwiches and it was so lovely I had a paddle too. I'm feeling all at one with the world right now!
stomps off in a huff to look for hubby's thermal socks
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That sounds lovely Hellyon!!

My office block is in the process of organising a roof garden and we cannot wait for that!
I'll flap a few files to try and waft a bit of warmth up to you Mrs O!!
(If it's any consolation we always huff when you get snow, we never get it here)
Thanks hellyon!
I can't really complain cos it's been scorching for the past few days and it's just a thick sea fret that's causing it to be cold today.
I'm only grumbling because it's my day off and instead of topping up my tan I'll have to do the ironing!
Hello funnygirl , hope you are enjoying the day , it's only 9 degrees here today :-(
Ive just got back from a week's annual leave so I have 100's of email to go through. Just took a walk through Wimbledon and it is surely a lovely day outside
i,ve been busy over on facebook making the cocktails....phew!

now i must go and pick up my daughter

lovely here BTW :-)
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Don't worry the day will come, when the north will swelter whilst us southeners freeze!!!
nice and hot in the midlands... shame im stuck at work doing 3 peoples work :o( why do other people get to do training courses at the same time!!!!! grrrr
If you mean quiet, yes it is. I've been here all morning but havent posted much as its been crap
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Very quite today!!!

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