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Marg0 | 09:01 Wed 14th May 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

Today is the beginning of the rest of your life.

Morning Waspy. Devolution sucks. xxxxxxxx


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The beginning of the rest of my life??
Have I got to go through puberty again?????

Question Author
I'm afraid so mate.
Wouldn't wish puberty on anyone, such a confusing time, took me 12 years to completely get over it.

I'm in my 40's and still trying to get through puberty, another 30 years should see me safely start acting like an adult
I thought I had a pube, until I p1ssed out of it!
i was young and naive sorry
Question Author
Maturity is overrated. Like people go 'oh she's so immature'. Like, why is 'mature' good? We don't hear a 4 year old come out with some innocent witticism and say 'so immature', we go 'way to go kid.'
Afternoon marg0.

I'm not devolved, i'm just regressing.

Question Author
hiya waspette, you must be loving the hot weather. i am tucking up with a scotch and alan sugar.

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