My father passed away in his sleep last year in his own bed.He looked so peaceful when I saw him the next morning.My mother witnessed his passing away,and she was so terribly heartbroken and upset.She loved him heaps,despite his corny jokes he tended to share with us occasionally. I comforted my Mum by giving her a big hug.We stayed hugged for a good few minutes,and had a good weep together.My father always tried to look on the bright side of life,despite his prostate cancer which had spread on to his skeletal bones.He was really poorly when he went to bed that night.I felt so helpless when i wished him goodnight.We all really miss him,I certainly do being his youngest son.If I had to go,I would like to go in my sleep as well.Sorry I have to stop here now.Thinking of my Dad has brought a few tears on...........