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email links

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patg | 16:25 Mon 19th May 2008 | Site Suggestions
2 Answers
Email links do not work - or is it just me?


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I've no idea if you work or not to be honest.
Your question is not clear, but since similar questions have previously been asked I am dducing the following:

1) The emails referred to are the ones the site sends you when you have a reply to a question. Yes?

2) The links to which you refer are the ones in that email that are supposed to take you to your question. Yes?

If you answered YES to both those questions then read on:

a) Answerbank's coding isn't quite up to the job (maybe the techies have resigned and taken the documentation with them), so the embedded links are flawed.

b) DON'TLeft-click on the link, instead RIGHT-click on the link and choose 'Copy Link Location.

c) In a new browser window (or tab) paste the copied link into the address bar at the top.

d) Look closely at the start of the addtess. If there is a < symbol there, delete it.

e) Look closely at the end of the addtess. If there is a > symbol there, delete it.

f) Once you are happy that it starts with http and ends with html you can then press Enter/Return on the keyboard (or click 'Go' in the browser window).

That should now take you to your question.
Then, Finally:-

g) Click on the link 'Contact Us' at the bottom of this window and complain to the non-existent techie team that their coding is ****.

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