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rag and bone man

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paulsmummy | 21:24 Mon 19th May 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
how did this originate? why are they called this? does anyone know?


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Wikipedia to the rescue!

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cool.......thanks ever so much
Was I the only person who started whistling the theme to "Steptoe and Son" when I saw this question?
Hi paulsmummy, some of my relatives were rag and bone men, or "Totters" and some of them had a yard in the same block that steptoe and son was filmed, I often went out "totting" as a kid, loved it, plodding along on the horse and cart, they were great days, when we weren't allowed on the cart we used to hire a hand barrow, for 2 shillings a day (10p) in todays money, those horses were so laid back and friendly, brought back some nice memories seeing those words, thank you.
Did you ever shovel up the horse manure and sell it to the allotment folk for a shilling tanner thru'penny bit, or whatever the currency was?
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just wanted to know the backround as to why they are called this, i can always remember them singing, rah n boh it sounded like not at all like rag n bone, mind u we used to have a toffee apple man

abdulmajiid, u mention steptoe, i always remember the episode where he scooped up the horse poo, bare hands, then casually sat and ate his sandwich........lmao

ray...... what a interesting story, my nanna used to be a milkwoman with a horse n cart, she pulled big churns.......facsinating.....
Always carried a bucket and shovel on the back of the cart wardy, used to give it to all the old ladies for the rhubarb, where steptoe was filmed was in an area just off of norland market, near shepherds bush, it had railway line running along back of yards, and there was about a dozen yards there, it was so real and true to how they lived,
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rag and bone man

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