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Why is Desktop Icons sooooo slow?

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Rtaxron | 00:14 Tue 20th May 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Sorry not in Computer Q's, but thought I might get a quicker answer here.

When I click on any of my desktop programme icons, I sometimes have to click 10/12 times before it comes up, which can take up to 1/2 minutes..

I have done the usual adware, spybot and virus scans.

A/B is the same as the rest, any ideas PC experts?


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Sounds like you need to do a system clean up and defrag your hard drive.

Start -->All programs-->Accessories-->System tools-->Disk clean up/Disk defragmenter

Run both of these, reboot your system and it should run faster. You really should do this once a month.

If you still get problems get on to and do a full system tests scan. It will flag up and problems it detects and tell you how to go about sorting them out.
Oops, I mean flag up *any* problems.
Make sure that you clean out all your temporary internet files/browser cache weekly too.

Start-->Control Panel-->Internet Options. Under the 'general' tab, go down to Browsing History and click on the 'delete' button. Select 'Delete All' then 'yes'.

Gets rid of all the cookies and junk that pile up inside your system without you realising.
Oh yeah, I forgot Rtaxron, you don't like my long winded instructions do you? LOL! Your system will thank you for it if you follow them. It's really very easy
Question Author
Thanks Aprilis,

I have given you 12 Stars, : - )

Hope its cured the prob tomorrow, nighty night, zzzzzzz
Wow, 12 stars!!! Gee, thanks Rtaxron!

Hope it sorts out your problem. Night night xxxx
Question Author
Why are you up so late Aprilis?
Problems sleeping Rtaxron. I'm naturally nocturnal anyway and my body clock is all shot to bits at the moment.
Question Author
Same here Aprilis,

Can never get to sleep till about 2am, zzzzzzzzzz
Nor me. I didn't sleep at all last night so I'm over-tired now. Do you know what I mean, when your mind and body have had enough but your brain just won't shut down? lol
Question Author
Yes I know how you feel, I am alive at night, but feel like a Zombie in the morning till about 12noon-1pm, then I think where has the morning gone. :- )
Question Author
I usually feel normal about 4pm.
Haha! I know those feelings too well, AP. My mind never stop for a second. Not even when I'm asleep, I find myself sleeping, dreaming and listening to the radio all at once.
Question Author
I hate the strange dreams, last nights dream was very weird, and it makes you feel as if you are going crazy.
Snap Rtaxron. I'm exactly the same.

Hello again figs. I find I fall sleep easier if there's some background noise/music. Usually end up falling asleep on the sofa in front of the tv between 2 and 3am. It is almost accepted in my house now that the sofa is my bed, lol!
Question Author
Cant stand the sofa for a nights sleep, feel aches and pain to much all day, have to get to bed, but a few glasses of wine helps me sleep for a few hours.

Are you on face book?
I was on FB but deactivated my account a while back. Don't like the underhanded 'real' reasons the site was set up.
Question Author
I have only been on it 2 weeks but find it confusing and some people are a bit strange...................................

OK, Aprilis,

I'm off to bed now and will try to get some sleep, hope you can do the same on the sofa? ; -)

Chat again, take care,

Byeeee, zzzzzzzzzzzz
I'm off myself now too. Bye Rtaxron. Sleep well. xxxx

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Why is Desktop Icons sooooo slow?

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