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I feel for her !!!

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Drisgirl | 16:58 Mon 19th May 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
cos Jules has just been drissed lol

She is fabby and we could have talked non stop -but I thought I would break her in gradually !!!!

Just thought I would share this with ya all -see we are human behind the AB personas !!

True saying -we are all but strangers we havent met (yet) !


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Ooooooooooooooh im going for a lie down now ive officially been "drissed"
ive come over all funny and the insides of my ears are making this whirring, buzzing sort of noise ;-) I think ive got drissyitiis coming on!

lovely to speak with ya Dris! just as lovely as i expected! check your inbox! x

Drissed Dris ? That sounds ok to me , lucky jules :-) xxxxxx
Oh yeah, and i'll forgive you for the fact that you said i sound like a Brummie! Im from Lestuh don't ya know me duck!
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Is being "Drissed" a euphenism for something?
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Naw -just made up Boo-dont ever give me yer phone number then you will know whats its like to be drissed lol x

Loved yer EMails hun -cracking pics xxx Take deep breaths and relax -chill out even have a brandy -I would have one should I have been on the receiving end lol

BM -I will catch ya when you are least aware -be prepared hun xx

ND -you have been drissed I suspect lol x -and yip I am strict -ya like ????
Hi Drissy, Jules - I was just about to post comforting and sympathetic words and suddenly realised what you mean Dris. Silly me! lol

well figs, its worse even than you first imaged! Until you've been drissed, you just dont know!
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PMSL @Fig and poor Jules xxx
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Sorry for being tardy in my reply *wink* -lol
Pity your AB persona's so b1tchy
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Quelle surprise -so early as well !!

Wheres yer muckers Marvelman and webstar lol You lot are like busses -wait for ages and then you all come at once - snigger !!

Listen matey -ya cant touch me -I laugh at yer pathethic efforts to have a pop -I have advanced -cos I live a real life -you are still neanderthal -pmsl xxx
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Aww Knobby-im just about greeting here-you both look fantastic and happy.Thank you -i must have missed that thread !

Canane wait to see ther rest -cheers hun xx
hmmm real life of made up abuse by hubby xxx
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O GMOC -what have I ever done to you ?
I dont know you cos you are hiding -you dont even have the courage to face me up -like you have a right to -sad really.Wished you knew me really -I cant argue with anon -so keep posting the sh!t -it amazes me but strangley doesnt bother me -I pity ya x

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I feel for her !!!

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