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looked...and commented.
Looks like it unfortunately Doc
its a chicken ffs

Poor little chicken , nobody even seems to care , they should have cut at that point of filming , seen to the chicken , and started the scene again but being careful to stage the fall when all the chickens are out of the way . The poor things should have not been in any danger to start with , not these days when they could even have computer generised the chickens.
Rather callous attitude there banjosister?

i always wince in films that depict horses, say a cowboy film and they fall. I know they weren't hurt (I hope) but it always upsets me when they 'fall'.

That said- Pappillon is one awesome film!
its an animal.

It does NOT have human feelings

It has a brain the size of a pea.

Get over it.

Bb xx
I find your attitude appalling there banjo to be perfectly frank. No, it doesn't have human feelings, but it has feelings and can feel pain just as much as you and I would.
Im afraid we have to agree to differ then.

No skin off my nose.

Bb xx
you genuinely believe a chicken is incapable of feeling pain? Or are you of the mind that you couldn't give a stuff whether they do or not?

Woah to either way to be honest!!!
I dont think the chicken was still flapping...Prob just in shock from the bloke (almost) landing on it.

I cannot say one way or the other if a chicken feels pain like you and I

Because I am not a chicken.

Bb xx

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