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Women can multi task

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4GS | 17:52 Wed 21st May 2008 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Is that because they can't prioritise?


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Leg, you daft prat, you are getting us blokes a bad name.
kiss my red cocnkers

like i care??

how can i cause trouble its only a wee chin wag lol
Leg - you say the nicest things! I'm liking your style! ;0p
Oh I see, you have got one of those fck everybody moods on, have you,

Youre licking my style ??

Well if you can fantasise over me and type here then you truly can multi task.

But are obviously off your trolly too
loggy go bite a rodents willy

you old gimp
And how long has multitasking been a popular word, ?
Leg ,youre p155ing me off nar,

I'm gonna come over there and shuv some cake into your gob.
Oh Leg, stop it, you'r making me blush!

Off my trolly?????................. Pot and kettle come to mind!
welll frankly im disgusted at the overt sexual content of andreas posting

as for loggy

welll go livck fluff outta your missus belly button.

GOOD IDEA, i think i will,
Oh you little stirrer you!

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Women can multi task

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