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What shoes??

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Kimbles20 | 17:21 Tue 20th May 2008 | Shopping & Style
13 Answers
Hi have just bought the dress pictured in the link below for a wedding I am attending in June. ES/BLUE-BACKLESS-HALTER-DRESS/6875

I now need to get some shoes to go with it as I dont have anything suitable but was wondering what colour/style to go for??

I would like a fairly high heel (3 inches maybe) but what would you recommend?

Thanks in advance everyone!

Kimbles x


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I think that silver would look great, maybe something like these =482585&language=en-GB&cid=112
Hi Kimble! Something quite feminine, may be a sling back with a peep toe!
...or in the gold. :)
oooh theyre nice Whiskey - yum
I think silver is a winner with that colour dress! Gorgeous, btw! :O)
I like the Faith ones, but I like the New Look ones even more.

PS: How on earth do you ladies manage to walk in heels that high????
I bought them for my best mate for Christmas in a really dark purple, weeal, hun. They look gorgeous! :)
i might get a pair of them myself and hope i get invited someplace lol
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Wow! They are all gorgeous, thanx everyone! I think silver is definitely the way to go - I am so glad I asked as I was looking at black! And now I think that black would actually look rubbish!!

I absolutely love the ones you chose spudqueen. They are lovely but I also love the ones in the second link weeal sent.

The snake skin ones from new look are FAB! I work near a New look so I will go in tomorrow at lunch and see if they have some for me to look at in the flesh (or should that be skin!) and try on.

The dark purple ones you mentioned whiskeysheri should fab too, I never used to be a shoe person as I had quite big feet as a kid but my feet actually shrank to a 7 when I lost a tiny bit of weight and now I look more proportionate!!! lol.

You should see the back of that dress, it is so beautiful I am so excited about wearing it - and even more so now that I have an idea for some shoes!!!

Thanks all! I am officially inspired!
Kimbles xxx
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Aw, weeal - go get them shoes girl and someone will have to invite you someplace because I am sure you will look so fabulous!

max - it is yet to be seen if I will be able to walk in the heels, I am normally ok but at least if I fall I will look damn good doing it!!
Def go for the New Look ones, they are gorgeous. Gonna get some myself!! :)
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LOL! Thanks Bat2105 - Looks like the decision is unanoumous! New Look wins hehe - lets hope they look as good in the shop/on my feet!

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