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Aparently ive been living under a rock

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jp_2031 | 16:27 Thu 22nd May 2008 | News
15 Answers
Can someone explaine to me what is Anonymous, and what is Scientology. I just started going on dig and noticed a few things about these two groups. Some say anonymous are terrorists , but some say they stand for our justice against scientology... so um... what exactually are these two groups? The scientology website doesnt give me a straight answer to what they are, and a fox video contredicts other videos ive seen saying that anonymous are evil people so...

What are they?


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I dont think they even know what they are
Me neither, 4getmenot. Whichever rock you've been living under, jp, it sure ain't the same one as rest of us.
Maybe it's more of a US thing?
Try this question in religion and spirituality.
Are you in the USA? As Jenna hints, this is more of a British site, haven't heard anything on this side of the pond.....
I read a biography recently, the subject of the book being a Scientologist.

The biographer didn't go into an in depth explanation of the ins and outs of Scientology but I certainly gleaned some information from it, that I didn't know before.

Scientologists believe that essentially humankind is 'good', but some people do 'bad' things because there are 'body thetans' stuck to our bodies.

These 'body thetans' are the spirits of 'Thetans', which according to Scientology, came from space and lived on earth before Humans.

Scientologists are in ranks, much like the Armed Forces, In order to get rid of these 'body thetans', the Scientologist is to speak to talk through their life with a Scientologist of an upper rank called an 'auditor'. The auditor will decide whether the soul has been cleansed enough for the Scientologist to be promoted to the next ranking level.

According to the biographer, this is why so many Scientologists, particularly well known ones, rarely leave the 'religion', because these audits are recorded and kept. Apparently whenever well known Scientologists have indicated a nition to leave, they are blackmailed with the information they gave in their audits.

Oh, in addition to these audits, they are given a device (I have no idea what it looks like, but in my minds eye it's like one of those wands that airport security staff use to check you over) to get rid of these 'body thetans'. The aim is that you use this every day on yuorself and the device kills the body thetans.

So, given all of that, Scientology believes that once you get rid of all these 'body thetans', then there will be peace and harmony and no need to take anti-depressants (you'd have nothng to be depressed about, eh!).

I don't suggest for one minute that that is all Scientology is about, but that's the overall gist of it.

They are are very rick 'relgion' as all the Scientologists are to pay their way through the audits and I'm not talking a fiver here and there, I mean LOADS of money. From what I could gather, there is only 1 person in the top rank, and that's the chap who took over the rein after L. Ron Hubbard died, David Miscavidge.

Married Scientologists are expected to convert their family and friends, and if thy don't, they are to sever all ties with the family and friends. There was a woman interviewed in the biography, she said her husband and 2 sons were Scientologists, but she eventually wanted out. Her husband didn't and chucked her out of the home and their lives. She hasn't seen her sons for about 20 years.

I must be living under the same rock as you as I have never heard of Anonymous - but I'm going to get googling!
scientology is a newish "religion" created by Ron Hubbard (a sci-fi writer) in the 50's - its a development on some self help work he did, some info on the wiki

from what i half remember anonymous are a loose collection of hackers and internet pranksters that worked together to achieve mostly silliness - however they became a bit more political with their targets of recent years, scientology being one that has highlighted this... i believe they began their attack due to the scientology habit of dirty tricks to silence opposition rather than any great hate of the "religion" itself e.g how it does business rather than what it stands for exactly
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All the sites I tried were blocked - as is those links you've provided.

Are anonymous using violence to demonstrate their objectives? If so, then I do not agree with it at all (though I do agree to a group opposing Scientology!)
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Hi Birdie, ys the links were blocked at work, but I've opened them up now.

That first link - is great!

It was around the beginning of the year that I read the book I was talking of, so I can't remember exact extracts, but I was shocked nonetheless.

The Sea Orgs are treated like slaves, there was mention in the book that, in order to have the most famous Scientologist feel welcome at the house, they were to cut the lawn with scissors. That is only one of the numerous hair-raising paragraphs.

There was a whole chapter dedicated to the plight of the Journalist Paulette Cooper. After writing an article for a magazine then later a book, which didn't show the CoS in a good light, they proceeded to harrass her.

It ranged from men posing as flower delivery men and pulling a gun on her when she answered the door, her phones being tapped, sending her neighbours letters saying she was a paedophile...etc.

This went on for years apparently.

They're nothing short of bullies on a power trip and out to make as much money as they possibly can without any thought to anyone but themselves.

I truly pity those who have been brain washed by their ways.
anonmes means unknown and ad sciantolidy is alians and things mos people that are in to it go mentel

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Aparently ive been living under a rock

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