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football on chatterbank

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bobtheturkey | 21:27 Fri 23rd May 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
is it ok if i post about football on here? or will the ladies hit me with handbags?


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go for it bob!
Pah it's the boys who do the bickering bob! I waited for you at Waterstones today but you never showed, so I had to buy all the books myself :(
The football is over!!!

So no more talk of football please!

Besides I am an inconsolable chelsea fan!
Handbags at dawn! What kind of bag would like to be hit with! Louis Vuitton , Burberry !!
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last time i was in a bookshop (not ws) i brushed into one of those musical pop up books and it proceeded to play this daft very loud tune in a very quiet bookshop, i did not know where to turn :)
That always happend to me in Clintons, bob. I bloody well hate those cards.
I would've turned beetroot bob :) Bet you've never been back since!
Bobtheturkey I think you still have the music in you, are you still upset about your elimination from Eurovision! Don't worry you would have got "stuffed"
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yes im jinxed with those cards :) crimson bobs :)
It's a curse being so fair skinned bob! :(

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football on chatterbank

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