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4getmenot | 10:52 Fri 23rd May 2008 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
I dont know if I can explain this right but I want a shower screan for my bath, thing is where my bath is the sink comes over the edge of it. Anyway I can solve the problem and still put a screen in instead of having a shower curtain?


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I don't see how you could do this short of moving the basin.
The screens have to be vertical so whatever you do the basin is going to impinge on the line where you want to erect the screen.
I had the same problem, but unless you can find a pliable screen, there is no way you can fit one, if part of the sink overhangs the bath.

In the end, I removed the old sink and put a corner one in.

Why don't you have a shower curtain. Next sell a lovely chrome semi circular pole and trendy curtain rings, it gives a more stylish take on the regular straight shower pole.

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