1. Custard Cream or Garibaldi Neither - savoury cheese cracker for me !
2. Rolls Royce or Vauxhall Astra RR
3. Andrex toilet paper or Aldi cheap stuff Soft Andrex!
4. Fillet Steak or Fresh Salmon Neither, being veggie !
5. Comfy flat lace ups or 4" stilletoes Comfy shoes defo
5a. Soft cotton Y fronts or boxers errrr,,,, I'm a gal !
6. Fluffy kitten or Big macho doggy Big macho tiger ?
7. Meat & Potatoe Pie or salad sandwich Salad sarnie (see 4 above....)
8. Live in hustle bustle of city or Middle of nowhere Middle of nowhere, but just down the road from the local with lots of live bands lol
9. Sound of Music or Buddy Holly Buddy Holly
10. Caravan in Lake District or Tent in Cornwall Cottage in Cornwall please !
11. Lie in bed till late or get up at dawn Oooohhh what a choice..... lie in methinks !
12. Would you stay in your present house/flat etc or move tomorrow Stay, stay, stay (forever, I love my house !)