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Molly in Corrie

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Abdulmajid | 21:00 Sun 25th May 2008 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
I haven't watched Corrie for a while but I am sure Molly used to be a bit of a dumpy pudding. Now she has a mighty fine figure if you ask me.

Is this right or have I mistaken her for somebody else?


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Lol, yeah she has glammed up slightly eh? Well considering she used to look as you say a dumpy pudding with a bobble hat on when she worked at the dog kennels.
No it's the same Molly! She's lost some weight and toned up, it's all in her Fitness DVD that she brought out a few months back!! :o)
Yes, Wingnut's right -this is the link for her dvd. dp/B000X0OQPC/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=12 11742921&sr=1-13
I couldn't believe it when I saw a clip of it. She looks really different.
Molly ( Vicky Binns) has lost over 3 stone. My sister in law goes to the same gym as her, and she is now a size 6 or 8.

In 'real' life she is tiny, ( remember that the camera adds weight!!)


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Molly in Corrie

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