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8.18 and No Good Morning

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888sally888 | 09:19 Tue 27th May 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Where is everyone?

BigMamma, Bensmum - where is the good morning thread (or have I missed it!!!!!!!!)



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hi sally--no you havent missed it-was waiting myself for some of the usual ones to make the move--bensma has been about tho--mind you it is her birthday-probably all past herself:>)
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well its just us 2 today then!!! Happy Tuesday!!
Oooh strange, hope they are ok. But god morning everyone anyway xx
Good morning,

Where is everyone??

Back at work after a totally washed out weekend and I feel washed out myself!!!

Have a good day.

Funny XXX
Good Morning all. Who's been singing again as it is still raining .
Morning sally , I have had a sleep in as my son was away last night so he is not here this morning . I wuld like to know too Wendilla because it's raining here too . Bensmum must be busy bless her.
Morning beejay , 4get , and funnygirl :-)
No - I'm here! Spending an interesting day sorting out my gas & electricity supplier. Fed up with British Gas at the moment
Belated good morning to everyone
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8.18 and No Good Morning

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