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im procrastanating

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firewatch | 09:23 Tue 27th May 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
oh i love that word!
Meant to be doing revision for my amspar exams next week but my mind wont focus got to much buzzing round in my head. does anyone have any tips for getting the mind to focus? Im off to do housework to avoid it some more i can hear the hoover calling me argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Do some Tai Chi
Hey, that's my line!! Good advice, if you already do it. Yoga??
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i try and do meditation but i cannot get in the zone at the moment far to much going on. not all good, so my mind is constantly going like whisk. i find i cant even do castings,of any sort, i really am at a loss.
You may not have any, but Mozart in particular aids concentration and learning. With Figaro, or the Requiem, in the background, you will relax and stuff will go in.
I was going to procrastinate but I'll do it later...
sorry Taichiperson

I do both Kungfu and Tai Chi, its helps focus
sorry Taichiperson

I do both Kungfu and Tai Chi, its helps focus
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just triead playing music but the cd player blew up! smell of electrical burning is not nice, just phoned hubby to ask what to do (Hes a firefighter) and he asked me check his email??!!not trying that again!
Spaced - that's fine, I don't have a monopoly! It's nice to see someone else on AB who does TC.
Firewatch - how about a soothing bath and some herbal tea?
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i wish! i got to go to work! jeez i never stop! i have been doing some medical terminology quizzes online, which seem to have helped a little!

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