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lubecki161 | 15:29 Wed 28th May 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Why do you think we have them?
Do you think they come from past experiences or are some of us simply born with them?
I'm stupidly claustrophobic and if I so much as look at a lift I have a panic attack! I can't remember when it started or why all I know is it a pain in the arse! Especially abroad! xx


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Apparently (no idea if it's true), but we are only born with the fear of falling. My phobias of bananas and silverfish, on the other hand, are most definitely learnt. :)
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What is it with Bananas!! I know LOADS of people scared of them!!
i;v been stuck in three lifts in my life time it not fun. i wont go in a lift if there is more than 4 person in one . and if it start to fill up when I'm in it then I get out.
I would rather use the stairs any time :-(
i remember having a pet spider and having no fear of them at all, then after a long spell in hosp coming home and spotting a spider on the ceiling above the door and i couldn't move, i screamed the house down until dad came and rescued me, still can't face anything with more than 4 legs now without turning into a complete wuss!
I dont like dogs, I have never liked dogs but its made even worse now from having reoccuring dreams of being bitten
Bananas should be scared of me!!!

I hate dogs and am getting a real phobia and I also hate mice/rats. Filthy vermin!!!!

But is hate the same as a phobia??
I often panic about mallow supplies
soft marshmallow
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but why do you think we have these phobia? I cant explain why i cant cope with lifts and it annoys me!!
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isn't that why they are phobia's - irrational fears

Not falling over, Joe-king. I assume it meant falling from quite a height. I dunno, just something I read. :)
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Pigeons - yuk yuk yuk - makes me feel ill!
i have a fear of hights - so i climb as it gives me a buzz

some phobias are brought on by experiences
I know my ex gf had a phobia of black men due to an armed robbery from when she lived in southafrica. i would like to add that she is not racisit she got on fine with black women she just couldnt deal with black men.

others are natural instincts babys are a good example of this as they are often frightend of picuters of insects and reptiles not all of which are deadly but many cary diseases. this is apparent from how many people find insects creepy which is a natural reaction.
Phobias are 'as mccfluff points out' irrational fears.Being claustrophbic isn't stupid,lots of people suffer from this but it probably does stem from your childhood,perhaps someone locked you in a cupboard as a joke, that sort of thing.Whether you can remember anything like this or not,please take it from me, and I speak from experience,the only way to get over a phobia is to do whatever you are afraid of and keep doing it until one day the fear will have gone.
Start off small,and work to do more next time.Go somewhere and just stand and look at a lift,when you feel ready, step into the lift and straight out again.Again,when you feel ready go up 1 floor.It's all easier said than done and you may need some medication to help you, but if you work hard at it, you will overcome it. Good luck.

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