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I have spent my day in a mad house....

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pastafreak | 20:34 Wed 28th May 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
or so it I going to spend my night in one also????......what's the mood here-or is that a silly question???


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That depends.Did you take your shovel?And if you did did you return with it ?
-- answer removed --
Pasta " dont forget yuor shovel if you want to go to work "

Sometimes things are only as big or as deep as you make them.
Sometimes theyre just about fun.

36 seconds in
Question Author
Yeh...I took the shovel.....but I am not allowed to use in the way I would like......would my day have been better if I had??
dizzy with a bad cold I have been ranting for sometime so yes, I suggest you don a balaclava... and bear in mind....

When two elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled.
yes cazz
but the grass that is supple springs back

whilst that that is brittle snaps
cazzfucious say

A hasty man drinks his tea with a fork.
Question Author
Ahhh....I am definately not in the right frame of mind-am I?
Question Author
Hi cazzzz...feeling rough are you???...not the time of year for a cold x
no it isnt, and in my unrest I have sought solace in ancient words of wisdom, this is my favourite

"Make sure you leave some fat for the other side"

I most certainly will!!
Question Author
Maybe you need a holiday...??
cazzfucios say

she need

a lay

oh yesssssss
Question Author
You (or your brain) never strays far-lol

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I have spent my day in a mad house....

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