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Beryl Cook RIP

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Drisgirl | 23:27 Wed 28th May 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I am saddened to see that my very fave artist has died -I am really in tears -I have all her paintings -in postcards lol

One of a kind -I really am so sad -she made me laugh so much.

Unique !!!


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Hi Dris, she really was a one off, I also loved Lowrys work,
heres a pic for you, enjoy, xx Unlinked.aspx?productID=1090

Off to bed now, speak soon, Dris, take care xx
Question Author
Cheers Ray -I have loads of her prints and she gave me so much enjoyment and laughs -I had no idea she was 81 -some cookie -hope i'm like that at her age !!!
Way to go !!!
I agree with you Drisgirl, I love her paintings and often wish I had thought of her style before. I used to paint and tried to get my own style but never quite did, Beryl Cook was amazing and captured her subjects in a really amusing way.
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Oh my...she was a local legend down here!-she is Plymouth's own treasure. She depicted not only local places...but also the local colour, and characters.
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Thanks everyone who appreciated the person who was Beryl Cook.I had loads on my wall -one was all the girls piling into a taxi for the night out -that made more sense to me than anything -I laughed everytime I went out.Then there was the stripper -she encompassed everydfay life and it touched everyone who came upon her -the tranny with his fur coat on and sussies -I could go on and on -I loved her.

IAP -OMG -worth a fortune now !!! Bet you loved her tho xx

Pasta -how lucky you were -she was one of my personal icons and others will vouch for that and its so sad -I am going on EBay shortly to grab some of her postcards cos I dont want to miss any of her fantastic charismatic snapshots of real life!!!!
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I had no idea ND -very talented and unique.
Dris....I can see what I can find in the shops down here....tho not til the weekend. There is always masses of her stuff here.
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O Pasta would ya -I lost a load of my pics when I moved house and was just recently stalking the net to find my faves -what a sweetie if you can,

I would be so indebted to ya -really -I was genuinely upset -catch ya later hun mwah xxxx
I will see what I can do ,sweetie xx
oh, was he Captain Cook, Newsdesk?
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O eff and I fell for it -in one of my genuine posts someone takes the p!ss -thanks jno for confirming what a pr!ck ND is -not funny ND in a serious thread sorry pal -you got it wrong on this one.

I just didnt anticipate anyone being crass on a thread about somone dying -just goes to show ya -hey!!!! Wkat ever rocks their boat I suppose sigh
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Hiya Dris,
I am a fan of Beryl Cook also,did not know she was 81 though.

I have a picture of hers in my bathroom the one where the lady is looking at herself in bathroom mirror...........always makes me smile

Hope your ok xx
A brilliant artist, though I never could stand her son, Robin.
Question Author
Aw Gromit he's dead as well -lets not make light eh?

Chrissie I was shocked she was 81 -she made me laugh and I daresay that would have been her legacy and boy did I appreciate her - a true atristic genuis IMO !!!
Joking aside Drisgirl, her art conveyed humour and sauciness which was refreshing in a medium which takes itself far too seriously. Her pictures had a wonderful snapshot feel to them as if you could identify with the scenarios and know what each of the characters were up to. It was also easy to imagine a story to accompany your viewing.

I think she should have had a word with her brother Alastair though, to shorten those longwinded Postcards from America.

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