morning Bensma and cruella( those that follow -those who crosspost)--nice start here again--oh bensma-we got 3o mins rain y'day afternoon-wow---for a change ,this saturday,will prob meet up with the mates down the pub -so i will
Good morning cruella, Bear & theonlyone
I am on pet-sitting duty for the next week so I'm "at work" today too
Actually beejay i am hoping it does rain today !
Have a good day yourself theonlyone
Morning bensmum, cruella, beejay and theonlyone. Its a lovely day at the moment but probably won't last. Not doing much really just supermarket shopping and nipping across to Bolton and then the weekend is free
Hi beejay - yes I believe we have a mutual friend!
I made a decision at work yesterday based on the weather this last week and the fact that more rain was forecast. Of course since then the sun has shone and no sign of rain now so I will be public enemy no. 1 this weekend! I could use a few showers
good morning bensmum xx good morning to everyone !!
It looks a nice day here in YORK the sun is out.
I am going to get on top of my housework this weekend as start full time work on Monday yeppie!!
Going to take my son into town to the museum and to Mc Donalds I think or to the park xx
Morning all! I have had a hectic week! Life has changed a bit! Have not quite got rid of my business but have stopped working for the forseeable (sp?) future! I am now an AAvon rep! Lol! Just fancied a change and I don't 'need' to earn money but want to feel like I am doing something. Mr daffi has been off work since last Thursday! Not used to seeing him all week and I still have another 3 days of him yet! Aaarrgggghhh!! Lol! My mum comes back off her hols today, so will meet her in the pub this afternoon.
Good morning bensmum , dull day here , may have some rain , good luck with the pet sitting , have fun ;-)
Morning cruella sweetie , awwww , working today eh :-)
Hello beejay , theonlyone , tickled trout , I Love Snow , lil , hau kola , and daffi ;-)
Got up late today as weekend off. Been and done all shopping, two loads of washing out. Lots of lovely ironing to do, so a real exciting weekend to look forward to.