My wife has a pathological hatred of Ants which is a shame because we get a lot of them around our neck of the woods. I dont have the time to mount a guard and kill them all off individually so does anyone have any effective methods for getting shot of them or their nests?
I have tried all of the normal chemical solutions but they are pretty ineffective. Internet suggests that there are good chemicals available but they seem to be only available in the US which suggests that they may be illegal here or dangerous to things much larger than the dreaded ant.
Try this and you would never have problem with ants. Depending upon where you live if you can get a hold of ground turmeric (Called Haldi on Indian or Pakistani shops). It is yellow color powder which is used almost in all Asian dishes. Just sprinkle a little bit where you see ants. They will never come back there again.
We were pestered wth ants last year. After trying unsuccessfully with that Nippon Powder we found a product from Tesco which did the trick. It is round shaped about 1/2" high and about 3" dia with small holes in it and you place it near their run.. There was no mess and it lasts about 3 months. Touch wood we have been ant free ever since.
Thanx everyone, as a curry fiend I am not sure my wife will believe the turmeric thing but I will give it a whirl! I think we already have a black 'trap' thing indoors.