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britains got talent

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beck07 | 22:38 Sat 31st May 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I was so pleased that george won- he really deserved it and thought he was excellent..

Did anyone have a favourite they wanted to win?


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Yes... I wanted the Indians to win
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Signature- yeah they were really gd aswell..
I wanted Signature to win too. I have to admit that I haven't watched any of the programmes other than tonight and on tonight's performance alone, Signature did it for me.
nah the girls on the violins did it 4 me.......if u know what i
I think george won on talent but that was not enough being that there was a myraid of talent! he won the public vote on just being himself, thats what endeared himself to the public! some of the others were not so looking at there future, like the choirboy manchild where does he go after his voice breaks pretty soon methinks!!!!, the dancers no chance,farell what a name!shes is twelve my god thought she was over eighteen to much protein!!!signature great but repetative my god the young un is losing his hair as we speak,the scottish guy boring and i am scottish!didnt see gin and the dog sorry!!!escala beautiful talented but seen it all before,did i leave anybody out yep probably dance groups!!!!
You were watching the wrong sort of talent stoke.
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i think george had more talent than any of them- he put everything into it you could tell just by watching him. i think he will go far, hes only young hes got a long happy life ahead of him now!
Agree totally Beck- the kid was, in my opinion, gobsmackingly brilliant, I was so pleased for him when he won.

Can't agree in the Farel comment though, she was also brilliant, but I reckoned (in my head) that with her talent, she's bound to be snapped up anyway, hence why i really wanted George to win it on the public votes.
I AM SO HAPPY GEORGE WON!!! I have actualy been in love with him since the first time he danced! There's something about him, he's just so inspirational and the fact that this is going to change his life forever is amazing! I cried when he danced in the semi finals and i cried tonight! And I screamed when he won!! I'm totally obsessed now I could just watch him dance over and over again! So happy :D :D:D:D:D:D: YAAAAAAAAS
George and Signature were my favs
Bollox to it all now
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very true BOO- most of them will probably get snapped up by somebody! But i really wanted it for george- there was something about him that made me want him to win! it was the most emotional programme ive ever watched!
I know what you mean beck, im not ashamed to say I was in tears when he won.
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me neither BOO- i cant imagine how his mum felt for him, i dont even know him and i felt his happiness!
I soo wanted him to win because he did it all himself -you could see the hunger in his eyes and I loved the wee guy for that -a real trouper but not precocious !!!!

He will in the long term go farther than any of them cos he has raw talent -best of luck to him.' -o and BTW -the judges thought so as well -they were thrilled altho they didnt think that the minions who vote would have gone for him -just goes to show ya -we're not all as thick as mince lol !!!!
I was very pleased when George won, he was SO FIT! :L

He was like a little Billy Elliot, he deservered it.
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