Has anyone please got a recipe for Elderflower Cordial? My decorative dark leaved variety in the garden is covered in blossom and I would like to make some cordial
Lucky you, there are loads of recipes about at the moment for elderflowers! You might also like this: http://uktv.co.uk/food/recipe/aid/529353
and maybe use them to flavour gooseberry crumble, mmm...
Question' author. Bimbo - you can obtain wild elderflower bushes in almost any country lane and the flowers/berries are just the same as the decorative variety I have in my garden. The black/dark leaved variety can be obtained from most large garden centres etc.
Can't believe this! I was just sitting thinking about the exact same thing, clicked for the "next" page, and here it is!!! My mom used to make it years ago, and couldn't remember how she did it!!! One happy lady here. Thanks