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Nooo is Hillary on the way out?

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Eve | 23:04 Tue 03rd Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
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Heard on radio in reef today her agent says she will bow out tonight.

osama bin laden will win.

oops slip of the tongue lol
Yes - Hilary has some idea and knows how things work. Obama is good at public relations and probably doesn't know how to work things - he will be easily manipulated.
well its all about how much money, shock gasp no its all about whose black or female, sorry when the policticians axtually start carinf about the people they are supposed to represent maybe i'll give a ****,.
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I just can't see any substance in Obama, all talk and that doesn't do much for me.

Am hoping for a last minute miracle.
Like i said her teams said shes bowing out.She hasnt got enough votes anyway so done deal .Shes out.
I just get the feeling that when it comes down to it America would not vote for a female or black president . (unfortunately)
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy !!
It is not really 'in the bag' until the Democratic Convention....and that probably is not until August. Frankly-I am surprised she is bowing out.....I thought she was more tenacious.
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Me too :( Looks like it's all about her being his running mate now!

I thought she'd keep going until the very end thoughhearing reports Obama has got the vote.

Not 100% sure how it all works with the convention and such, the race has really kept me interested this time, even if it does seem to be going on forever.

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Nooo is Hillary on the way out?

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