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Im off to the shops

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johnny.5 | 12:14 Wed 04th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
anybody want anything ?


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some cough medicine oh and some mach 3 blades
A packet of wine gums, just give me the green ones you can distribute the others amongst the other ABers :-)
Oooh where are my manners, please x
toasted bagel and a latte please : )
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buttercup syrup ok 4getmenot ?
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4gs i got sh!t loads of maynards
25p for packet of four rolls lest month in tesco's
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lisa thats too posh for around here sorry
Good skills jonny
yep thats fine, thank you
1 loaf, 2 pints milk, 6 pack of crisps, 4 bags jelly tots, pack of fruit shoots, half pound cheese, pound of mince, jar chilli sauce, small bag potatoes, 4 pork chops, bottle irn bru, 6 loo rolls...oh stuff it I'll get it myself
thanks tho <:-)

I am hungry and I don't fancy salad today!!

Surprise me!!!
2's up on the irn bru weeal?
would you get tampax?
Loo roll (white), semi skimmed milk, fajita kit and 500g chicken goujons, please.
hey 4GS, best drink in the world !
Can you throw in a butterscotch angel delight too, please?
Aye, it produces world class burps
Bottle of wine please. Actually make that two.
M&S Vanilla Cheescake for me johnny, not the individual slice tho I want a whole one....

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Im off to the shops

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