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National Curfew

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~spaced~ | 15:12 Thu 05th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Do you think, hypothetically of course, if this country posed a national curfew for all teeneagers, to be in their homes by 8.30pm every night, we would see a dramatic reduction in knife crimes?


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Also, while I'm on a roll, the parents will have to be held accountable and will have to pay!!

I have brought up 3 boys and their behaviour has been impeccable with no cause for trouble anywhere.

Parenting just seems to have gone out the window and they just want to take the easy option of saying nowt and doing nowt!
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so this is great britain...a sinking ship thats full of **** and someone's knicked the oars
re: Gordon Brown's proposal to start prosecuting yoofs down to the age of 16 for possession of a knife, an odd comment was made this morning in an interview on Radio 4. I can't remember the exact words, but it was to the effect that "a lot of kids are going to end up with a criminal record just because they happened to be carrying a knife"

Brilliant. Top drawer stuff.
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But will that deter them??!!
funnygirl has hit the thing right on the head, make the parents responsible, hit them hard, they don't care where the kids are, as long as they are not in the way. the only people who have no rights, human or otherwise are the victims of these mindless imbeciles.

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National Curfew

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