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mirela | 09:14 Thu 05th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
will you consider it is cheating if your bf/gf flirting with girls by text messeges without telling them he/she is single?


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I wouldn't expect my girlfriend to be flirting via text anyway. It didn't matter if she told them she was single or not.
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i know someone who is doing this all the time, and his logic is as long as he is not sleeping with them, he is not cheating.
If I were his girlfriend, I would get rid.

That's a pretty lame excuse to be honest.
his logic. ? ?
It's not cheating, but it is deceitful.

Especially if there is talk of love, sex etc.
Not cheating but I wouldnt trust them and without trust then theres nothing. But depends what these txts say? As there is such thing as harless flirting .... isnt there 4GS :-)
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he is not talking about sex, but he lied to them he is after realationship, he is single, pretend he is decent guy, etc. but each time those girls ask to meet up, he always found all sort of excuse, like working away, busy or not reply their texts etc. i think he is playing them up. at same time, he said he loving her gf lots.
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that friend of mine said he feeling good to receive girls texts. he wont intend to do anything, but just like flirting.
it is confused me.
well if she knows and is fine to go along with it then its up to her isnt it
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yeah, his gf found out before, and been really anygry, but after he promised to stop, they back together. but now she told me he is doing again, most time she just ignore him, but sometimes cant control herself to confront him, she even called couple numbers and told them. he stopped with them, but not long he developed few others. ermmm...
seems like he's craving for attention, maybe not being given to him by his girlfriend or he is very insecure. either way, its unacceptable. Tell him to get a life
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i think he is not secure, he told me hes been cheated many times before by girls, he said he trust his gf now, but he is still doing it. his gf is very upset, but she really loves him and doesnt want to leave them.
sometimes makes me think love is meaningless.
He wll only make his g/f miserable and drive her away, then do the same to the next g/f, what a waste of time for a wee bit of meaningless flirting eh
Totally pointless, that's men for you!!
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yeah, i told him what he is doing to drive his gf away too, not sure how long they gonna last. he seems really dont want to lose his gf, but he cant stop what he is doing. i wondering if it like sort of addiction?disease, like drinking, drugs etc.
Your other half should not form emotional bonds with other girls.

The End. No excuses.

What does he think you're there for? Just for sex?

His emotional bond should be with you.

For the record, flirting can be fun IF it's done at parties or dinner, and in full view of the other halfs, so there is no secrecy about it. Then, it's fun. As soon as it continues behind your back, then it's wrong. Totally wrong.
Anything like that if youre going out with someone is underhand and shows exactly the kind of person they are.
Scum be it male or female theyre not worth bothering about if thats their idea of harmless fun.
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Yea agree ,feel sorry for those girls who are fooled by him.
he sounds like a comlete tw@t. of course it's not alright! she's an even bigger idiot for putting up with it. my hubby would be out on his @rse with behaviour like that - i would just not tolerate it. mental cheating is just as bad as the physical act - it produces the same emotions and heartache for the other person, so of course its wrong. whats to debate?
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stonekicker I can't do much about it,do wish someone could give him some lessons.
so will you think my mates gf is a loser than? She said just so hard to finish when she is still in love with someone, its easy to say and hard to do I think.

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