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Blackpool Zoo

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Eve | 19:22 Wed 04th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Thinking of going on Saturday (and try to avoid Blackpool itself).

Has anyone been and is it worth going? Done most of the local places like Chester Zoo and the fab South Lakes - unless anyone has any other suggestions - am in Manchester.



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Hi jenna - Went ages ago & enjoyed it! Here's the website - xxx
I live fairly close to Blackpool Zoo and have been several times,it was ok but I have been to better. Twycross Zoo for example has much more to see and is easy to get to from Manchester if you don't mind a bit of travelling.
my son picked up the leaflet for it yesterday and it says they should have giraffes by the summer, we went to Chester Zoo last Friday and it was brilliant but i have never found Blackpool Zoo very good, we may go if they have giraffes now though, have you ever been to Lowther? It used to be amazing there
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Ooh no, where's Lowther?

We went to Chester Zoo bank holiday Saturday.

South Lakes zoo in Dalton in Furness is great, you really get so much closer to the animals and the giraffe pen have a viewing platform which is the cafe balcony and you're so close to them.

They have a giraffe talk and feefing session where you can feed the giraffes too.

Lemurs also run wild in one part and you can feed one and they do lion and toget feeding where they put dinner on top of a big pole and you watch from a high viewing platform as they leap up to get it.

You can go in the penguin pen with the penguins and help feed them too.

The talks are fab! It's not very big but I would highly recommend it.
say hello to me in the monkey cage...........

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