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buildersteve | 17:22 Wed 28th May 2008 | Law
4 Answers
i got a producer last monday i went to the police station today i gave them my insurance details and my driven lisince documents but could not provide them a m.o.t certificate i told them its going in for one today but there booked so im taking it in tommorow mornning but i think my m.o.t run out 2months ago could u tellme wat could happen please im panickin i have a baby on the way hardly any money my car is in a state and its garented to fail wat do i do?


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MOT offences are non-endorseable i.e. no penalty points.
In some areas "No MoT" is dealt with by way of a fixed penalty of �60.

If summoned to a magistrates' court you will receive a fine not much in excess of that, plus about �35 costs plus �15 Victim Surcharge.

As kempie says, no points. You will not be charged with failing to produce. You cannot produce what you do not have and failing to produce is only charged when you have the document but do not produce it within seven days. The substantive offence of no MoT will be the only one charged.
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thank u 4 ur answer it has put my mind at rest

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