im 14 weeks pregnant, and now im through my high risk time im trying to think of some possible names. Theres a chance my child could come out ginger as it runs in my family. Any name suggestions on names that go nicely with ginger hair?
Why does it matter what colour hair she/he has. You need to be careful choosing names that clash with surnames or look at what the initials may spell out. Such as Holly Tree or Wendy Cooper. I think its far better to see and get to know your baby for a few days to see which name suits her personality. The name you choose before hand may not suit them.
my red-headed granddaughters are named Michelle Dorothy,Lauren Kate and the baby is Amelia Jane . None of them were named for the colour of their hair !
i have a ginger friend called beth but how about ginger?
Don't worry it is a name because that's what my friend is called. Some ginger people tend to get bullied because of the ginge etc. so by calling your child ginger how could they be bullied? If someone shouts ginge or ginger your child can just say yeah n thats me name!!
How dare some of you ridicule people with red hair? - how very narrow minded.
Had you been asked to comment on a suitable name for a baby of darker skin or asian ethnicity for example, would you then have made the same inappropriate comments?
Red hair is beautiful and a gift from God. Those of you who wish to poke satire at such things should feel very small just about now. In today's society it is not acceptable to bully people for how they look.
Red hair, Blonde hair, Brown eyes, Green eyes, Fair skin, Dark skin.
Somethings will always happen, wasps will always sting you for no reason, toast will always fall butter side down & ginger people will always be the butt of jokes. I personally like it that way