Yesterday the Doc. came to visit my wife who has High Blood Pressure, He took mine whilst he was here and it was 14,5 . This morning it's the same. I had one glass of wine and it fell to 13,3 so what's it all about d'you think. Any ideas will be gratefully received.
the figures you give for the blood pressure readings don't really make any sense -do you mean yours was 145 over another number, and then it was 133 over something? both top and bottom numbers are used to measure blood pressure.
when you say 14,5 and 13,3 do you mean 145 and 133?? that would make more sense to me, blood pressure ranges and has norms depending on your age, diet , fitness, family hx, stress can be effected by tons of things. red wine has been proven to have some medical benefits...such as one glass a day ive heard, havent read the literature though so couldnt advise more on the wine....if you say 37-50 and averagly fit etc, not overweight then that blood pressure could be quite normal...
Blood pressure varies throughout the day - generally it will be at its lowest when you wake up in the morning (before you get out of bed), will rise as the hours pass and then drop again when you relax (and as medic202 has stated, can be affected by lots of other factors). It may also rise as we get older. I recently discovered that an exceedingly good way to reduce one's BP (apart from being healthy and not smoke or be overweight) was to invite a small furry type of critter to come and live with you - my BP dropped from 140/95 to 123/75 in three weeks when I was adopted by two gorgeous wee feline ladies...