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strange emails

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karenmac60 | 22:20 Sat 07th Jun 2008 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
Can anyone explain how all my contacts have received emails from my and my husbands email addresses promoting an electronics website? The mails were in our sent boxes, but neither of us sent them out. I also ran virus scans and adware/spyware scans and they came up clear.



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There are two possibilities that spring to mind:

1. Somebody has hacked your email address and is logging in to your account.

2. It seems to come from you, but doesn't.

Good explanations and advice here: ail_address_how_do_i_stop_them.html

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See I thought it was just that someone had got into my email account till it happened to my husband too, and since the original emails have turned up in our inboxes then surely they came from our accounts. I've asked the IT guy at my work and he doesn't think it's a virus but he's stumped as to how it's been done.
Thanks for your help though!
You have put this in "Media and TV", not sure why, although Ethel has found it.

Most of the computer people (including Ethel) hang out in Technology or one of the sections under it such as Computers or Internet.
btw Make sure you change any passwords that are important on yourcomputer.

Your e-mail password, maybe your Windows password if you have one, plus any other passwords that make stop people hijacking your computer.

And dont use a "simple" password (like your name) use something a bit complex, maybe with a strange character in it such as a @ or &
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My email got hacked. They got into my ebay account and tried to sell something then I was charged. Fortunately, ebay contacted me when I tried to change the email address. Make sure you make a note of all your contact emails. When the hacker had finished with my account they changed the password so I couldn't get in. Hotmail still haven't sorted it out.

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