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It's a glorious day here in sunny Lancashire

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dot.hawkes | 13:51 Sun 08th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
but I can't be bothered getting dressed and going into the garden to sit and relax, I am overtired I think, worked too much last week. Is it possible a late fry up would bring me round? Should I add mushrooms too? lol let's keep it light today eh?


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I think you should have mushrooms. Wouldn't be a fry up without mushrooms.
Hello dot, lovely in Cumbria too :) For now....chilly though, anyone else feeling the breeze? Or is that just me being a little sensitive after my partying last night?!

Fry-ups ways work for me. I need to wash up first though, and I just can't be bothered!

Enjoy your day, and do try and make it outside, it'll be worth it!
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actually it is a little breezy, the sun is travelling around a bit though and so hopefully when it's full on the patio I can get out there, it's gonna be parasol weather anyway!
I wouldnt know if its breezey here or not as Im sat here in my dressing gown lol

Would love a fry up though, but no sausage or bacon for me thanks :)
Mushrooms definitely! Not dressed either despite plans to tackle garden, feel lazy but motivation is lacking, the weekend goes nowhere.
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I've burnt one side of the sausages answering a question in genealogy and so better get to it, we have a smoke detector that hates fry ups lol
Hi Dot,

I have just come in from my back yard and it is a lovely day here in London.

It is never too late for a fry up and mushrooms are a must!

I really must start my sunday dinner soon, as I am enjoying glass after glass of that cider, the new red fruity one, it is delish!!

Catch you laters.
I'm going to let someone else take the strain and go to a nearby cafe for a fry-up lunch; I intend to demand extra mushrooms in place of the baked beans I don't much like............and then a stroll along the beach/prom depending upon the tide..........and possibly a double-scoop ice-cream.........Sunny Sunday bliss...........:o)
hi dot lovely and hot here today in the south ...going to put our big pool up later for my boys ,,,12ft round one 3 ft deep will take a day to fill far to cold for me ...
Why Sleepy, that is nice.

I have always wanted one of those and in fact I was looking at them in Aldi yesterday and trying to mentally size up my back yard!!!!!

You wouldn't get me out of the pool if I had one.
nice here too im going under a tree with a book and then watch the football
Hi Dotty. Fabulously sunny and warm here in Hertfordshire too. What's with all us ladies today? I'm not dressed either! A fry up sounds proper good to me especially with the mushrooms.

Mr Aprilis and Aprilis Jnr are out in the garden filling the big paddling pool as I type. I intend to park a chair beside it, dangle my feet in and sit back with a book.
Leelapops - whereabouts in Cumbria? I'm just outside Carlisle
Hello taichi! Carlisle is my hometown really, I live in Barrow at the moment though :)

Nice to meet a fellow Cumbrian. Are you 'born and bred'?

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It's a glorious day here in sunny Lancashire

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