Somehow, many months ago I inadvertently (how? I don`t remember) changed my ISP from Virgin Media to Yahoo (Why? I don`t know) anyhow, how do I change back to Virgin? I have read many of the same queries that one gets when you submit popular questions but I am not too clever understanding, so please inform in detail what I must do. TIA.
Well i'd assume you have to be with virgin, so you would have to go back. Be aware your current ISP might have a time period in place, so if you do change, you may still have to pay.
I know what you mean: I inadvertently move house the other day (how? I don't remember). I now live in basement (Why? I don't know) How can I move back to my old house? Please reply in detail, as I know lots of people who have also accidentally moved house (or changed their cars).
What it says in that top title bar is not relevant to anything, looks like you have installed the yahoo toolbar which has changed the heading, if you really want to change it I will post instructions for you on how to change it to whatever you want. you caould make it say "internet explorer provided by shylock" if you wanted but it is a fairly in depth procedure to change it and as I said it means nothing what it says there.
ChuckFickens and Eth, thanks again, I won`t let it make me lose any sleep then, although last night I went to bed at 10pm and because of foot cramp didn`t get to sleep til 03.00 hrs, Yawn.
Well Shylock, in those 5 hours you could have come to AB and probably found some cures for cramp... thats if you could have remembered how to find AB or even how to open your browser LOL!