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What was the ..

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theonlyone | 18:22 Mon 09th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
weather like where you were today ...
it's been 30c here ..a tad warm ...
to hot for mrtonly the pollen count is high ..


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Hi theonlyone , it was 22 degrees here , though you would have thought it was at least 10 degrees higher the way people were dressed ..........nearly dressed.
Question Author
hi mamma ..there were some gruesome
legs on show today ..2 pints of milk !!!
you ok ?
It is scorching here in London.

Just got home and debating whether to do salad or cook!!!

The minute the temperature goes over 30c, I really don't feel like cooking!!!!!
Must have been about that her TOO.
It's still baking out there.
Finally managed to bath the dog yesterday.
He wasn't to chuffed.
Very hot in Manchester and very bright, gave me a flamin migraine!

Saying that there was a guy outside work dressing in a furry flower outfit, poor thing, he must have been melting!
Aww funny, it must get sweltering in London. Stick to the salad and something easy. Treat yourself to a glass of wine.

I'm counting down to 6.00, when I let myself have my first glass of wine. Trouble with working from home, if I didn't have a strict starting time, I'd be raiding the fridge all afternoon.
Its been very changeable here today, its sunny one minute and very warm, but then overcast. I haven't ventured out the house today though LOL
very hot here when i got in my car it said 33 ...glad i have air con ....i have awful hay fever :(
Any chance of that nice weather moving north?
I'm off to Scotland tomorrow and it looks kinda depressing.

Here it's 25� and really pleasant. Last night's downpour at least cooled the fans down after the match!
I'm in South London and its been baking here. Shame I was at work really :-(

I didn't notice the time !!!!!

Wine box, here I come ... brace yourself Sheila.
Depressing -how very dare ya -its brill here !!!!!!!! Its been scorchio here -seriously !!!

Mu mum and dad were on the Isle of Barra last week -planes land on the beach there and a couple flew up from Devon (lucky sods) and landed on the beach -had a great afternoon and chatted with everyone -relaxed enjoyed the sunshine and then took off back to Devon -alright for some -eh?

A little bit windy but it seems its gonna be nice and summery for a few days yet -its been bliss and i have a wedding tomorrow and I am not taking anything to cover my dress up with -cos I have the faith !!

Have a great time Tara xx.
I was depending on the BBC forecast, but I'd rather have yours, Dris. I'll be in the Loch Lomond area which can't be bad.
I enjoy football, but right now I'm suffering from overkill! Too much of a good thing. I get back around the semi-finals which is just about right. The city can then get back to normal. Am I getting old??
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Ok ..enjoy the rest of the day and sunshine ..
JJ what's the Marina eateries like these
days ..not been in ages ?
Hi theonlyone

It's always jolly over there, and there's such a big choice (although I get a bit miffed when the big chains like Cafe Rouge, Frankie and Benny's, Pizza Express etc) move in and take up all the space. I like the casino, but you're more likely to find me loitering around in The Lanes pretending to be all Bohemian.. :-)

(however ... if you happen to own one of the big yachts, let me know and I'll be on my way over!)

(Jayne gets her posh frock ready, just in case)

Hi again theonlyone , fine thank you hun , though I can tell the pollen count is high :-) xxxxxx
Question Author
hi mamma ..glad you are ok ..forgot you
have breathing probs ..mrtoo was struggling
today with the heat ..pollen ...etc ..
sorry JJ ..put the posh frock in to mothballs ..
best we could do is an childrens inflatable
boat from Argos ... but I could win the
Lottery !!! Do pigs fly !!

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