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Zephaniah Rice

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sigma | 11:31 Sat 07th Jun 2008 | Genealogy
5 Answers
What are the chances of two Zephaniah Rice being born around the same time ( abt 1784 ) in Suffolk. This has caused a deal of problems in my tree trying to sort them out.


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I should imagine it's quite possible especially as names ran in families far more then than they seem to today. Have just had a poke around on ancestry and it htrew this up though:

Zephaniah Joseph Race 1877 Apr-May-Jun Woodbridge Suffolk

Seems RICE may have been transcribed as RACE - so, although I know this person is the wrong generation, it's worth bearing this possibility in mind when you are searching.

Have you found 2 Zeph Rice's on the 1841 census or on other records then?

Question Author
Yes, one was the son of Capt. David Rice who went to America and the other, my relation, stayed in Suffolk . To make matters worse according to the parish records he kept changing his name,Zaphaniah, Zephnath and a third I won't even try to spell.Unfortunately, most family trees posted on the internet are from descendants of David Rice.
whenever you get this sort of problem with identifying the right family you need to look at the siblings and trace their marriages to confirm the right famiuly group, it does work, might take a bit more time and effort but at some point you will find definitive confirmation that you have the right Zephaniah.
Hi Sigma - Do you have a tribal pages web tree? Called The Cox and Stone family?
If not I might have found something for you ..... let me know and I can update you further (bet it's your own tree!!!!)


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yes, thats my tree

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Zephaniah Rice

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