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4getmenot | 15:57 Tue 10th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Bigmammas making sure she answers all the nice threads


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Tee hee , well noticed 4get
awww, well that suits her personality - nice threads xx
So true weeal. I wonder if mamma ever loses it and ,like, swears or similar? Tee hee xx
Lol Bathsheba , I'm ok as long as I keep taking the tablets that the nice nurse in the white coat gives me ....
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I was watching recent posts it was like you were going down in the charts
lol bathsheba

my wee old mum is really nice and polite etc and never swears but is getting a bit more ehm, modern in her language this past wee while which scares me lol,
i got a message on my a/phone at home last night, she had called and I wasnt in and the message was her shouting"alison? alison? are you there? alison? oh sh!te" - pmsl
I wasn't on here much last night and today and saw all those nice threads I'd missed , typical eh :-) xxxxx
I'm heading off in 9 minutes (me? splitting hairs?? never!) and I have my brother and very pregnant sister in law coming for tea. I'm going to feed her a super strength curry and hopefully get her started!

Have a nice evening!
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lakitu you cant make baby come!! lol be patient
I can't be patient, I'm excittttteeddddddd!

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