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A Sacred Foetus?

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Theland1 | 08:43 Mon 02nd Jun 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
72 Answers
To paraphrase Dawkins if I may, is it right that we give less importance to a thinking feeling chimpanzee than to a foetus that has the [mental capacity] of a worm, but the potential to grow into a human being?
Personally, I disagree with Dawkins, and hold that all human life is far more valuable than animal life.
Should the word, "sacred," be used here?
Thank you.
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What ^^^^^ he/she said. (Monkeyeyes, are you male or female?).
I have Monkey nuts, naomi !! :o)
Ah, to match the eyes, eh? Just as I thought.
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Pardon me for letting my emotions carry me away.
Yes, it is difficult to attribute anything nice or decent to Hitler.
Well, I confess to not being infallible.
Hypocrisy is not a quality I actively pursue, but I would pursue your forgiveneness for any inconsistencies in my statements. After all, I thought it was a friendly discussion, not a third degree.

Has Hitler got any living relatives?
Howard Ronald Stuart-Houston, a Special Agent with the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service, died in an automobile accident on September 14, 1989 without having had any children, leaving his brothers Alexander Adolf, Louis and Brian William as the last three members of Adolf Hitler's paternal bloodline. Howard Ronald is buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Coram, New York. It has been said that these three have vowed not to have children themselves, and none of them have married, but Alex, now a social worker, has said that he knows of no such pact, and that if it had been made, it was made by the other two brothers without his involvement.
That's really very interesting, monkeyeyes. I'd never thought about the rest of Hitler's family before.
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These were brothers you say, but were they Hitlers brothers, or just male relatives?
Whether we were born "the Son of God" or "the Son of Satan" is beside the point. It is the choices we make in life that determine in the final analysis whether we were, are or will be a credit to the human species and this is all that really matters in the end.

Since our choices are determined not necessarily by what we have been told but by our understanding of what it should mean to be human, it is our personal system of beliefs that should be our focus. It is our beliefs that guide our choices and our actions and the validity of our beliefs pertaining to what we could and should be that ultimately determine what kind of human being we were, are or will be.

We are above all else each of us a product of our own individual abilities to reason. If throughout our lives we never grasp a valid reason for our existence, if what it means to be human never becomes defined and never allows us to bring meaning to our existence then there is, never was and never will be a reason to explain why we should ever have been born.

To live a life that matters and that contributes beneficially to what it means to be human is our sacred quest.
They are his nephews, Theland. Paternal nephews. His siblings were all older than him.

Have you ever read Stephen Fry's 'Making History'.......?
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Thanks for that M/E. No, I'm afraid I haven't read that.
With regard to the Hitler analogy you would have to be quite callous not to view his experiences as a child without sympathy, when one reads about Hitler the scariest part is that on a personal level his humanity is plain to see. Although his humanity ended when it came to politics, we digress.
To suggest in it's entirety that it is nothing to do with a man what happens to his unborn child I think is wrong it is after all half his and at best possession is only nine tenths of the law.
The suggestion that abortion should be based on the viabilty of life creates a problem science wil almost certainly one day be able to create a child free and independent of a woman, when and if that happens will abortion become illegal?
Life is sacred and human life has a value of it's own ask anyone with a severly handicapped child.
For the record politically I'm pro-choice but personally I'm pro-life, if I should get a woman pregnant then I would want to give my child every oportunity I could give it and would fight tooth and nail to protect and nurture it inside and outside the womb.
Provided of course future Mrs. Ev did'nt kill me first!

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