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Dr-Legend | 12:51 Tue 10th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
What kind of handsoap do you use ?
I like dove but sometimes i like to buy pears because its that strange colour and has that unusual smell.


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thought you worked in an office,

pr@t :-)
I thought there was an unusual smell, but was too polite to mention it.
Soory lakitu ,that was meant for spaced, I think his key board is a bit swafed up, :-)
I dont like soap too dry and just dont like idea of it laying on edge of sink I like liquid soap in a dispenser
Question Author
You need to use soap after swarfega or you smelll like a mechanics tool sack.

Lakitu so you do have some redeeming features then ?

Octavius are you stilll on the old reliable carbolic from when you was a slip of a lad .
By jove .
swarfega = joke

I use dove and sometime world of leather....sorry imperial leather.
Question Author
Swarfega always reminds me of an encounter with yodas missus.
He was never the same with me afterwards tho.

" Ah legend are bad you boy beeee mmmmm. "
I though so, Logic LOL

I used to work for a Company that had an office attached to their warehouse part. I'd not long been there and this young lad started straight from school. The guys working in the warehouse wre cruel and told him he needed an induction to working life and blindfolded him, lubed up one of those pipes (with swarfega) with foam in the middle but a little opening to run wires through it.

They had him believe it was a co-workers @rse and made him stick his fingers there or get sacked.

The lads father came in the next morning ranting and raving about getting his lad to perform sexual acts only to be told what had actually happened. The lad left that day along with his red faced son. LOL

I'm off to lunch now :)
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Can i lather up your pipes ?

Ill bring pears ?

And assorted fruits too if that might convince you .
Leg, can we assume that you use the soap to wash your mouth out the morning after your perpetual pseudo-erotica CB �contributions�? You dirty little boy.
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Oh coctavius i just love it when you go all charles dickens on us .
A demd, damp, moist, unpleasant body!

Did you know the victorians were purveyors of erotica
I like any pink sweet smelling ones!!!
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Lool pseudoerotica eminating from funnygirls keyboard
Hi legend , I used to buy lovely soaps and Dove and Pears were among my favourites , however , now I use Carex :-)
Hello Legend,
Having read this question earlier today, I became inspired and
I've just been into my local Boots to investigate which shower gel I should buy for my holidays. Unfortunately I squeezed a bottle of coconut and almond a bit too firmly under my nose and snorted half the tube up my right nostril.
So thank you for the "inspiration", now everything I eat tastes like coconut. :o)
No problemo mon cheriesssss


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