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Did I imagine this?

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missprim | 02:16 Wed 11th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Wasn't there a question from legend.inbed asking about fakes and trolls?Where's it gone?


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mustve been reported by enough folk as an impostere
its the way things get removed
feel free to report any others from the faker

nice to see some weree suitably fedup with it
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I don't understand.Is it because there are different legends and if so who are the fakes?
missprim, they are all the same person. All the Id's with legend, leg or leyenda are all the same very sad loser, even the one that has jst replied to you, pretending and very unconvincecingly pretending to be someone different.

Report them all

He is also known to be a sex pest and has intimidated a lot of females, sexually, so dont give him your msn address or number. youve been warened

So, let me sort it out in my head..... Anybody who registers a name even vaguely similar to "legend" is automatically an imposter of legend? (not possibly having a gentle wind-up)

What a load of smug cliquey imbeciles. This website is open to the whole wide world - get it?
nice try legend, leg or leyenda, but it wont wash this time.

This site is unfortunately open to a sad individual who thinks its comical and clever to create more than one email address and register more than one ID with the word legend in it.

Nurse Legend? mmm, cant see the connection there, can you legend, leg or leyenda?

Who does it need to wash with and why?
ha ha ha, so so sad legend. Give it up, its getting very tedious and boring. You dont fool anyone ya fat dirty pervert he he
it's been tedious and boring for years, you only just noticed?
Nurse legend is an it.
yeah report it aye! As I am the real legend
Imposter? WHY? An imposter is somebody who is attempting to be somebody else. I mean, I am hardly emulating legend, I haven't posted DTH once yet and I can spell and use big letters at the beginning of sentences.

The username has "Legend" in it, and is possibly surfing on the fame (lol) of that reprobate, but why an imposter?

If I had registered the name "spaghetti-oddball" would you now be shrieking that I was an imposter of you. Cliquey Fool.

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