That girl's got more bad attitude than an attitude factory on overtime producing bad attitude on bad attitude production day due to an increased order of bad attitude.
Oh bu66er, can you shoot me after lunch?
No wait a godammed cotton picking minute, that was me chatting to my chatterbank mates, you can't shoot me for that. How very rude
hey 4GS, I have to agree with you mate, she is awful. I had to switch over in the end. What chuckles me is that they all sit there and take it. I'd tell her to shut up or just punch her in the throat.
have to also agree with you Johnny, she will be there for some time im afraid. Its a shame that Mario wasnt in the middle of the fight as im sure he would have said something
the problem is that the people that make BB know that if they put "normal" middle of the road people in the house that sat around quietly all trying to get on with each other and being pleasant then nobody would watch it, the very fact that your talking about it proves that it works having somebody annoying in the house.
These people are taking payment from C4, therefore they are employees and C4 have a 'duty of care' to them. Deliberately putting them in a situation where they are going to subjected to bullying and abuse is not on.
She is much worse than Charley. I wanted Charley in the house because her anger was most jestful and even she laughed at herself - Charley was ridiculous because she thought she was the dogs rollocks whereas Alex is just simply aggressive and a bully.
She wont last as long as Charley did, she's not pleasant to watch nor entertaining and makes for very uncomfortable bully.
What gets me more is what has happened to the MEN in the world???!!!!! What happened to the days when men had balls and spoke up for/protected a lady being bullied?! They all just sit and watch with their heads down - pathetic.
in an ideal world yes, but do you seriously think for a moment that they are more worried about "duty of care" or viewing figures and revenue from advertising.
true chuck but why pl;ace bullies and agressive people who think the world owes them something? I agree, you need some spice to heat it up, but keep out the loud mouths who only want to fight and make a fool of themselves.
The argument was pointless. And I like the way that tshe just decided that Rex should cook. She said she couldnt see the point of cooking herself if there is a chef in the house. She is one shockingly obhorrent person who needs a slap and a wake up call.