This has been touched upon in a few threads now, but i want to know why some people seem to think that it's ok not to pay back substatial debts owed to a number of companies?
Sure, we'd all like to be given money and not have to pay anything back to anyone, or not to get taxed on it, but the facts are that if you borrow cash from a lender, you HAVE to pay it back.
I am bewildered as to why some people on here think that they dont have to or that what i am saying about the scenario is wrong!
Re you the registered owner of your vehicle, Rev ?
At your 'former' or a 'new' address ?
Which address is on your driving licence ?
Are you registered with a GP/Dentist ?
Rev Godbless u to.
And they will find eventually.
Have fun looking over ur shoulder for the rest of ur life and lets hope u never ever need credit again.
Looking down with distain because you are a thief and there are those of us who continue to pay back debts rather than be a thief is on the unreasonable side.
I can't go to church as I'm an athiest and besides, they want money for the collection and I'm just so darn busy not having a life while I pay back my debts obviously.
the people that lived at my house now left a mountain of debt, sadly though they are not that interested in chasing the money.
rev you will be off the hook as far as your credit record shows after 6 years, however a lot of retailers are cagey about giving people who have been "missing" any kind of credit, you will struggle to get credit in the future unless you go to the legalised sharks that charge massive interest
RevFunk, chucking insults at people you don't know is hardly helping. I'm not a halfwit for what it's worth, and I have to say that with the sheer amorality of your sentiments towards debt and societal duty, if I knew who you were, I would gladly shop you. I hope someone with the right fingers in the right pies does the deed.