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Asked for id at age 31!

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tigwig | 17:18 Thu 12th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I have did my grocery shopping today and for the 2nd week running I have been asked for id when buying beer. This would be fine if I was a young looking 20yr old but I am nearly 32! The first time I was shocked but flattered but today I think it is just going to far. I asked the checkout person if she seriously thought I was underage but she just said we have to ask everyone who looks under 25 and you do. If this is the case why don't they up the age to 25 instead of 18? I don't particularly want to have to carry id at my age! Then even without id they still serve me anyway!


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some door staff asked me for some age verification ID the other day!!!!!!!

It was however at an under 14 disco, so hey ho.
They are just covering themselves to avoid prosecution.

there was a guy in morrisons who was refused alcohol because he refused to show ID, he was 83
Hey, you must look fit for 32 then, keep up the good work lol

I was never asked even when I WAS under 25 lol
Well hey, lucky you tigwig.

I sometimes stand there, waiting to be asked for proof of age, but generally I just get asked to move along.
What are you like !!!! I would love to
be asked that ...I hate it when they ask
"you ok with the packing " reply is
" look old but i'm not "....
There is huge responsibilty placed on staff who sell age restricted products, so please don't blame them for asking for ID. A mistake on their part could result in them paying a fine (from their minimum wage salary), a criminal record and loss of their job. If the stores' policy is to ask for ID if you appear to be under 25, then I certainly wouldn't proceed with the sale if you were unable to prove your age - the risks are too great! How is the checkout person to know whether you are part of a trading standards/police/in-store sting operation or an older looking 17 year old?
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trust me I don't look like an old 17yr old!! Anyway they still served me without id as soon as I said how old I was so what was the point of asking in the first place?
I agree with tigwig its so annoying. I'm 25 and i get asked ALL the time, i don't think i've ever been served in a shop or pub without having to show ID!!!!
I got asked for ID when I went to Focus to get a Pensioners 10% card 'cos they wouldn't believe I was 60!!

I wasn't upset at all, quite the reverse!!
I agree with JB - the fines that people can pay are astronomical - several thousands of pounds - for selling alcohol once to someone who is underage. If they accept your answer as gospel without seeing I.D. then more fool them. Companies are asking to see ID of anyone who looks under 25 for lots of reasons - a 17 year old could 22-23, unlikely they'd look 25. Also, some people find it hard to judge people's ages - this covers the company.

Take it in good grace - it won't go on for ever.
If your 15 year old daughter came home drunk you wouldnt be complaining. It is their job. I would be flattered. Most shops have to ask for ID if you look under 25 now

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Asked for id at age 31!

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