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Lone traveller to Oz

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pips1 | 16:58 Thu 12th Jun 2008 | Travel
8 Answers
I am travelling to Australia to see a friend, with only a short stop-off in Singapore before travelling on to Sydney. I am going to be SSSOO scared/bored. Any tips?


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books, airline films, and being one with yourself.
Singapore airport is GREAT!!! they had a live band in one of the lounges when I was there!
So wallk around and SHOP!

As for the flight, make sure you take airsickness pills - they help you sleep as well!
mp3 player and yeah a book or 2! But being able to sleep is the most important as the journey is LOOOOONG
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Thank you both for your answers. I am sure I will be fine, it is just a bit daunting for me travelling alone.
You will no doubt meet someone in the same situation as you on the plane and have lots to talk about. I've found if I travel on my own it just needs a friendly remark to the person next to you (after all they'll be there for the whole flight) for a conversation to kick up, especially if they're American or Australian.
12 - 14hrs to Singapore then another 6-8 to Australia ...all depends on winds.

You will know every line in the flight-attendants (FA) face by Spore and Sydney! No friendship will be closer during the flight.

You will be so bored with FA you are forced to talk to neighboring passengers!

Important to hourly walk around plane or do exercises, at toilet bay area, to keep blood circulating.
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Thanks for your answers. I am quite a friendly person so I'm sure I will get chatting to someone. I survived an 11 hr flight to Mexico but I was with my daughter then. I kept walking about on the plane (probably got on people's nerves) so I'll do that again. Thanks all x
Oh, please try terambulan at S'pore local food store....yummy, coconut pud (like treacle pud) but spiced.........!

Its easy to miss conexions at S'pore, due to shops, so keep alert.

Wish I could come but alas Brit Courts keep me here for now.
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Organicair and terambulan, you have made Singapore airport sound so lovely I can't wait to get there now! Thanks for tips, I will certainly look for that pud - yum!!

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