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cheating and caught ?

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Dr-Legend | 10:58 Sat 14th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Do you think when folk are caught cheating and they say theyre so sorry and it was a terrible mistake and they still love their partner and theyre so ashamed of their behaviour , that theyre really only sorry they got found out ?
And the rest is alll just excuses?

Or am i being cynical ?

" Its easier to be nice than nasty btw . "


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I suppose it is possible to be sorry for the hurt and devastation you've caused your partner.
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Who are they more sorry for themself or their partner ?

" Its easier to be nice than nasty btw . "
Their partner.

I guess it's all to easy to fall into having an affair without thinking what the consequences will be.

I guess the answer to your question has more to do with what you're like as a person, if the affair was a genuine mistake you somehow got entangled in, you'd be devestated to find out how much this has hurt your partner.
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is it possible to mistakenly have an affair ?
that sounds like an excuse to me .i suppose its down to what folk can get away with.different folk probably have different rules /standards of behaviour and whats allowed and whats not i guess ?

" its easier to be nice than nasty btw . "
Not necessarily.

It's entirely possible to 'drift' into an affair, ya know...a flirt here a flirt there and before you know it, you've gone too far.

Yes people have different rules, but I still maintain it's possible to be completely gutted that you've caused your partner this much misery.
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I always think that if someone really cares they wouldnt do it.Personally i couldnt and i couldnt even conceive the idea that it just happened.Im sorry but i think losing your keys just happens maybe even havin a few drinks too many just happens.But cheating and possible falling into bed thats premeditated and if its not then perhaps more thought should go into it.
People know when somethings got to a stage where it should stop , even if by mistake.But to go that bit further cant be a mistake surely its a concious choice ?
Sorry is easy, then do it again! Stolen fruit is sweeter!

However, the cheater soon realises the implications of their action when found divided; children disturbed; cheater thrown into street etc. That's what makes them sorry!

As a 40y (lifer) at marriage and having experienced makes & breaks of barbs thrown at our union......I recommend trying to patch things up, for everyones sake. Separation/divorce create a easy to fill.

Be strong.....dont let the person who has been cheating with your partner win. Hit your partner where it hurts, in their wallet!

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Teram im unsure what to make of your post i did giggle a bit .
Sorry this is just a thougfht brought on by an offline discussioon i had with the woman giving me a neck rub
enlighten me....what is btw?

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by the way
U should be so bleedin' lucky! Dr L
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Teram what ?
I got a neck rub earlier on .
Nothing wrong in it and no it didnt lead to anything more than my neck feeling better .

" Its easier to be nice than nasty btw . "

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cheating and caught ?

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