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Turkish Delight

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mightyWBA | 21:38 Sun 15th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
What a match!


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cracker isnt it
goalies offf too????
That guy went over like a toilet rolll tube in a tornado.

I was looking for a gunman on the grassy knoll.

Football shmootball

hehe ;)
never underestimate a turkey

bob the grasshopper :)
Tippi im cooled off now


Turkey win the unwinable game

to think some people are stuck in yeovile somerset and missed that
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Too true Bob they won with Middlesbroughs centre forward in goal.
Its a funny old game!
im glad the czechs are out terrible group of people and cech is not in buffons class as a goalkeeper
unbelievable.....what was Cech doing
Is there some football on?

I'm watching Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares because it's about a local restaurant that I've been to.
Yummy ...Turkish Delight favourite choc covered bar .
I was a bit disappointed it wasn't a sweetie thread LOL

I'm ogling Ralph Feinnes at the mo
mmm, yeah, yummy bigM.

but i prefer Galaxy

goes off to see if there's any Galaxy in the fridge

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Turkish Delight

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